Monday, November 29, 2010

Sweet Bella giveaway

{monday madness}

Here we are again, party people!!

This week's awesome giveaway is sponsored by


Such cute stuff!!
I love the modern simplicity of it all.
I spent hours on her site checking it all out.
I know you will love it too!!

She is offering a
20 card
set of

Thank You!!

Hop over to her shop here and check it all out!

How to enter this week's giveaway:

1. "like" her facebook page and tell her I sent you!

2. "like" me too!

3. Leave a comment here of what you would choose.

The winner will be chosen by
 by NOON Friday, December 3
(I am going out of town, so I want to have it all done)

It's super easy!!
 Come and join the fun, tell your friends too!!

She is also having a giveaway of her own!
Go to her fan page and see what it's all about!!


  1. i "like" you on fb!
    kristinmik at gmail dot com

  2. i "like" sweet bella on fb too!
    kristinmik at gmail dot com

  3. awwww! the winter berry love birds christmas cards are so sweet!
    kristinmik at gmail dot com

  4. the decorating reindeer is a-adorable!
