Thursday, October 14, 2010

cupcakes vs. doughnuts

are doughnuts the new cupcakes?

I say


I love doughnuts and they sure are cute and fun to watch being made at Krispy Kreme.
But there's nothing like biting into that yummy icing and cake of a cupcake!

With retailers like

Sur la Table

selling doughnut pans and mixes, it sure does make it enticing and easy to bake these at home.

Forget frying them in bubbling hot grease, just mix and pour into this pan and bake.

The topping ideas are endless I'm sure. 
It is just a cake batter shaped like a ring, so I guess I can still have my icing.

Hmm or Mmmm, what are your thoughts?

Here is a doughnut party via

P is for Party
 to get your ideas flowing.

Holes or Rings
It's the new thing!

How will we top cupcakes and all their cuteness?


see this post here


  1. I'm SO making a cupcake with a donut on top!!!!

  2. I just ordered some mini doughnut pans off Ebay - can't wait to do this either! Great minds think alike! =)

  3. how seriously COOL is that... I think the donut on cupcake is GREAT and how easy to use the doughnut pan

  4. This is too funny- I just created a donut themed blog design, "are donuts the new cupcake?" Who doesn't love a good donut?? Yumma yumm!!
