Monday, July 26, 2010

Treasure Hunt

I was recently inspired by

click on this to be inspired too!

while in Dallas last week.

I stopped in for a little inspiration and as they say, a little goes a long way!

I love vintage, and any good finds that come my way. I love everything they have and it made me say...

"why didn't I think of that?!"

I left wishing for all my furniture back I sold in garage sales years ago.
With a little love and paint, it would be good as new!!

I love their use of great color and fabric. It turns this old footstool into something modern and functional.

These great vintage items greeted me as I walked in. I love the rolled up music sheets.

On the other wall I found my new favorite use for great paper plates...garland!! I'm so inspired!!

See an old cabinet door repainted and a dresser get a new life!!

Love these blue items. Even Grandma's old dining room chairs are AWESOME with a touch of paint!!
Check out the old standing mirror with chalkboard paint. CLEVER!
Oh! and the wicker chair you were tired of sitting on... it's a cute accent peice now.

I just can't get enough of this silhouette. Darling! And the jar of vintage dollhouse furniture makes me feel like I'm 8 again.

How cute would this be used as a placecard? GENIUS!

This one's from the "DUH!" file. I could do this right now. We have bags of old baseballs in the garage. See? How cute is that?

So, the next time you look at something and say, "good riddance", think again about how it could be used. With a little thought and a little love, you could be inspired to bring it new life.

Everything has a possibility.

All you have to do is...

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