Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Recipe Wednesday!

PoPcOrN CaKe!

For our trip to the beach, i wanted to take a yummy, summery treat.
This summer Treat is easy to make. One of my BFF's gave me her recipe. 
I tweaked it a little bit, just because I love shortcuts!

Here is her recipe:

14 cups air popped popcorn
1 stick of butter
1 14 oz. bag of marshmallows
peanuts to mix in     M&M's to mix in

She said not to use microwave popcorn, but I did.  I don't know why not, It's easier!
I also used peanut M&M's because I had a 5 ton bag that I keep on hand.
I also mixed in a few chocolate chips as well. Just in case.

Here is a step by step tutorial on how to make this yummy treat!

I melted my butter and marshmallows in the microwave for 3 minutes

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