Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Perfect Playdate!

Well, I am honored to have been asked by my e-friend to post her daughter's perfect playdate.

She wanted to celebrate her daughter's friendships after leaving kindegarten. SO SAD! I know the feeling. My son misses all his friends from pre-school and it's so hard to go your seperate ways.

Well, I think she ended the year with a BaNg!

She put together this awesome playdate. The guests found bugs, made necklaces,  blew "ice cream" bubbles and of course enjoyed many sweet treats!

Good job, Theo! These will be sweet memories for years to come!!

to see the entire post and sourses see here
and here

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Joanne for this awesome post!!!! The kids really enjoyed themselves and so did the moms ;)
