Monday, August 2, 2010

Did I Ever Tell You About the Time I...


Martha Stewart

She was having a book signing in Dallas last year.

I took off from work, drove to Dallas and stood in line with everyone else.

I bought a $50 cookbook, and waited. So many people were there.

Once I got inside, I could see a glimpse of her.  She seemed extrememly polite . Taking time to speak to each and everyone getting her autograph. I got closer. I got so nervous!
I was trying to think of what I was going to talk about. I had it all planned out in my mind.

I was going to tell her I was her biggest fan, that I have been a fan since day one, I had all her magazines, cookbooks and watch her show.

Well, let me just tell you it didn't go as planned!!

As I got next in line, tears fell from my eyes, butterflies flew in my stomach, and my mouth went dry!


I felt like I was in front of Jesus!

I couldn't speak, think or move.

She took my cookbook and signed it.

She was so sweet to ask my name, but I couldn't speak!

I was moved along, the next person in line took their place in front of her table. They chatted and seemed like they had been friends forever! I knew she was nice, I knew I could talk,
I had to try again!!

So, I bought another cookbook, got back in line.
I waited, planned my words and tried to stay calm. My heart was thundering! I wasn't going to let myself down again!

Well, it didn't go much better the second time around. All  I could say to her was
"I promise I won't cry this time"

She asked me where I was from. I told her, she said she loved my town.
I just shook my head and said "me, too".

Dang it! What is wrong with me?
My perfect opportunity to tell her who I am, how much I adore her and follow her.

Oh well. Next time!!
I'm hoping for the day that I can try again.
As they say, third times the charm, right?


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this story with us. Bravo for getting back in line. And it's just Martha. ::))) Awesome post!

  2. What a fabulous story! I would be the exact same way!! Hugs to you!!! Oh and hello very clever buying a second book!!
